Exmouth & District Talking Newspaper for the Visually Impaired held its 41st birthday party at the Devoncourt Hotel, Exmouth on Saturday, the 15th of October. Not only was it an occasion to celebrate but it was also a chance for the volunteers, who work so hard to produce the Talking Newspaper, to meet with some of the listeners, who receive the paper. After a very short formal meeting, there was entertainment from guitarist, Simon Watton, to entertain those present with a lovely well known background music, while those present were able to chat to each other.
A cream tea was enjoyed by all and a lovely birthday cake was provided, as always, by Karen and Diane Routley. To the singing of ‘happy birthday’ they cut the cake, which was then eaten with pleasure by those present. The drawing of the raffle followed, with many lovely prizes provided by many of those present. A big ‘thank you’ to all the volunteers, who helps during the afternoon and also transported those of the listeners who did not have their own means of getting to the venue.
Exmouth Talking Newspaper records the local news from the Exmouth and Budleigh Journals on a regular basis and send this out on memory sticks to be used in players, which it provides. It can also be accessed in other technical ways for those who have their own equipment. The service is completely free and help is given by a visitor to set it all up. If you know of anybody who is unable to read a newspaper for themselves because of any disability and you think might benefit from this service, I wish to know more about it, please contact the President/Secretary Gill laws, on (01395) 266968.
The photo shows Diane and Karen Routley cutting the cake watched by Gill Laws, BEM (President/Secretary).